Free WordPress Plugin : DynamicWP Featured Post
27th Jul 2010 | Posted by Eko S. | 79 CommentsDynamicWP featured post is a free wordpress plugin, a jQuery plugin that will list your featured post based the post tag and displayed as a widget. And the post will cycled automatically.
DynamicWP Featured Post is provided to user under the open source GPL License, you can use it for all your project or at least use it as a foundation for your next projects for free and without any restrictions.
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Download the plugin for free!
[starrater tpl=10]

- Easy to install
- A widget plugin
- Automatic image thumbnail
- Post cycled automatically
- Unlimited post to display
Plugin Settings Up
Install plugin
- Download the plugin (see “Download” link above).
- Decompress the .zip archive and put the “DynamicWP-Featured-Post” category into your plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins/).
Or the other way, with your wordpress admin page > Plugins > Add New then choose upload on the top. Next choose File (.zip) then Install Now. - Activate the plugin in the WordPress Plugins admin page.
- Now you can see a new widget “DynamicWP Featured Post” in your widget page.
Using plugin
Here a step by step :
- Open your widget page (Appearance > Widgets), then drag DynamicWP Featured Post to your sidebar area
- Fill the title, Number of displayed posts, length of displayed posts (post excerpt), height of displayed posts (height of the widget box in pixels, adjust the length of displayed post), and choose the post tag.
- Save it!
- Refresh the page, now you can see your featured post cycled on sidebar.
Version History
1.0 (2010-07-27)
Initial Release
The plugin is based The jQuery cycle plugin.
We hope this plugin will be useful fou you, if you have a problem or suggestion for more feature feel free to fill the comment form below.
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64 Comments to “Free WordPress Plugin : DynamicWP Featured Post”
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Thanks for great plugin,
I have just one problem scroling is working just on homepage, but not on other pages and blog articles. -
Here is live example (not working anywhere with scrolling)
but on my localhost scrolling working only on homepage.
Same plugins.
http://klikniza.infoSorry site is not in english
thanks for reply -
I have implemented your plugin in my theme and it works fine. It is with Wordpres 3.0
But I had to make a major change to take thumbnails from the tool that came built into my theme, and got it.This is the result:
Thank you very much.
OK, second chance:
thanks for this nice plugin
I installed it successfully but it does not show the posts
see in my website
What’s wrong?
please help -
The plugin is great. Although my theme too have a featured category, I don’t use it as it is too big and I don’t like the way pictures are cropped.
Anyway, this plugin helped my cause. I have successfully installed it in my side bar. But I want to use it in the header. I tried to do so, but I don’t have the codes (as widgets cannot be directly dropped in the header), so I need the codes so that I can put it in the right side of my header. Say 468X80 size.Can you help?
I hope I am not bothering you
halo bung, salam kenal
kaget saya ternyata ini buatan anak indogini bung saya udah mumet nyari plug in yg bisa tampilin posting secara random di sidebar + thumbnail, kira2 seperti ini saya udah coba semua plug in yang tersedia di wordpress tapi sayangnya tulisannya gk bisa rata sama gambar, kira2 bisa kasih solusinya gak ya? thanks bro
P.S: plug in yang sudah saya coba: Advanced random post dan Random Posts Plugin
P.S.S: saya juga udah coba plug in, maknyus! tapi saya mau yang statis tidak bergerak -
I think your plugin has an incompatibility with SmothSlider, when both are activated, the carousel of Dynamic FP performs two or three full turns and then stops working, the worst thing is that instead of leaving a static entry left in place a blank .
Help, please.
The plugin is as Dynamic Featured Post, down in the sidebar. After a few cycles are shown as:
Podría explicarlo mejor así:
Abrí dos instancias del navegador al mismo tiempo. En la ventana del lado izquierdo el plugin en una entrada, en el lado derecho en el home. Después de un espacio de tiempo el plugin ubicado en el home se queda vacío y ya no work a menos que yo mismo manualmente haga clic sobre los botones…
Could you explain it better this way:
I opened two instances of the browser at the same time. In the left window the plugin in a post, on the right side in the home. After a period of time the plug located in the home remains empty and no longer work unless I also manually click on the buttons …
Very Nice Plugin, Thanks For Share….
thanks for the great plug in!
I’ve installed ur plugin and initially it worked. But after few times arranging the widges, it stopped scrolling. And the media tag never worked, not once.
Here’s the site:
hi, saya telah berhasil menginstal plugin ini, tetapi tombol arah ke kanan dan kiri di klik tak mempengaruhi daftar postingan yang tampil, dan postinganya tidak keluar slideshow-nya. Mohon pencerahannya. Terima Kasih.
Hi there, I have installed the plug in and it looks great but I cannot get it to play the specified tag it will only show the most current posts. Anyone else run into this issue?
I have the same problem. Selecting a tag does not work.
Help please.
I select the tag in the widget. But it wont work
When I change the Widget Name it changes in the sidebar.
But I still do not get the correct posts on the sidebar
this fixed it for me
try replacing the dynamicwp-featured-post.php file in the plugin folder
with this file
terima kasih. Thank you so much for this free plugin.
I’m having a strange problem.. maybe it’s suppose to work this way?
On the home page it shows all entries showing up. And when I click on a single post it shows that post instead of the one(s) I have tagged as featured.
Any idea what’s up?
Thanks for this great plugin. After hours of searching I came across your blog. After activating the plugin and setting it up, It doesnt seem to agree with my sidebar. I’m rather new to all this and would really appreciate any help. my url is thanks.
Hi. I think you’ve got a nice plug-in. However, it’s only viewing 1 post.
I’ve loaded your plug-in, and then replaced the php file with the one mentioned in your earlier post. I’ve selected 2 posts to view in the Featured Posts (I’ve given each post a “post tag” name). In the widget controls, the drop-down shows both post tags, but allows me to choose only 1. So, dDoes this mean that this plug-in can display only 1 featured post? (If so, then why is there left/right arrows under the featured post?)
Thank you,
Tks you.
I’ve loaded your plug-in, and then replaced the php file with the one mentioned in your post. -
Dear DynamicWP,
I’m on the WP 3.1 and it’s not pulling the featured post from the tag I assigned. Please help. I think you have one of the best widgets out there, to handle highlighted content.
My site is in development right now. I’m migrating over shortly so I can try to sort out the development challenges.
AG -
Is this comaptible with the latest wordpress (3.3.1)? Although it picks up the featured posts, there doesn’t seem to be any thumbnails?
Great plugin, thank you
Hi, I used your plugin and it works fine, but there is one issue. It just displays just 1 post and it just keeps looping back in forth. I even enabled the tags and shows just the top or latest post I have entered into WP. Can you help on fixing this?
I guess this is what I have been looking for. Going to install it, lets see if it fits to my needs or not. Meanwhile check this out
Featured posts are something great offering to your readers. I got to know about some new plugins, which I would like to utilise to my blog for sure. Read my article at my personal blog for more on it.
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thanks for sharing this plugin. I have used on my site. thanks again.
This plugin has been excellent, but last week, it stopped working with my blog (
Basically, when I authorise the plugin, it only shows one column on my page, not 3 as it does now. Any ideas?
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Pertamxx ..
Cool plugins,. nyoba dulu ahh