Simple Magazine Red
9th Jan 2010 | Posted by Eko S. | 119 CommentsSimple Magazine Red is our new costumized template based our simple magazine template. The theme is released under GPL and you can use it for all your projects for free and without any restrictions. Please link to this article if you would like to spread the world. It was created especially for you.
[starrater tpl=10]

Theme Featured
- Fixed Width
- 3 Column Layout
- Gravatar on Comment
- Widget Ready
- Drop-Down Menu for Categories
- Compatible with WordPress 2.8.x and 2.9.x
- Theme Options Admin Panel : “Simple Magazine Red Option”
Unique Feature
- Easy Thumbnail Images With auto-scaling – no custom fields!
- Biographical Info
- Latest Tweet from Your Twitter
- Featured Categories on Homepage
- Built in Page Navigation without Plugin
Theme Instalation
- Download Simple Magazine Red Theme zip file
- Upload to your folder wordpress installation, on /wp-content/themes
- unzip it
- Go to your wordpress dashboard and select Apperance > Themes, find Simple-Magazine-Red 1.0 and activate it
- done
1. Latest Tweet
First please download our twitter widget then install it.
After that, activate the plugin. To show your tweet in the sidebar, go to your widget settings and drag the new widger (Twitter Widger) to your sidebar. Set the parameter with your widger title and your twitter username. Set other parameter your own.
2. Featured Categories
This theme have 3 column, where first column as main column, is for single post, archive posts and search list, second column is for posts from special category.
How to:
First go to your wordpress dashboard and select appereance > Simple Magazine Red Options, then choose category that you want to show on the second column. After that save settings
3. Biographical Info
We add function to show your biographical info, in the bottom right of this theme.
How to setting?
First go to your dashboard, select user profile and write down text about yourself in the biographical info textform. If you want to change the image with your own picture, just replace “me.jpg” file in the image folder of this theme. Your picture should be named with “me.jpg” too.
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57 Comments to “Simple Magazine Red”
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thanks for share beautiful themes, and it’s free try to download and use it
try in joomla dude
I love the theme, but would like the main column in the middle. Is there a way of accomplishing this?
That sounded wrong. Even though the main column would end up in the middle, it’s the far right column I’d like to move to the far left. Sorry for being confusing.
The biographical info is a truly state of the art feature, wish i could implement it in the theme i already use.
@ x1x I hate joomla, thats why i am here.
A very nice theme after all. Thank you.-
joomla not to bad bro. I like wordpress too.
thankz sir for share and Free
like this !! and was download now
try to use in my site
sama2 sama bro nanti kalo tukeran link nya dah di aktifin kita tukeran link ya!!! kalo sempet boleh donk buatin artikel tentang blog ini di blog ente……….(maksa mode : on)
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my God, i thought you were going to chip in with some decisive insght at the end there, not leave it with
It has been extremely helpful, the information provided by you is very good,
is very excellent. Keep going Thank you. -
Thanks for putting this up. I searched on how to make watch good comments and after not getting much I found this which I learned about how a profile can make an impression.
ok but I come across this blog looking for totally other things. probably means that this page has visibility for a keyword that I’m sure doesn’t seem to be appropriate to the content I’m reading here
wach keren bosss …
ternyata bikinan anak negeri
6 jempol dah gan
matur nuwun mas…………kalo 6 jempol berarti jarinya jempol semua ya mas? (ngacir ah ntar di timpuk bata)
Great site. A lot of useful information here. I’m sending it to some friends!
very cool templates, nice to see this one
fast loading
nice theme
whether this is also supported by wp 3.0 and whether it is valid with the W3C validator ?
wow, i like this theme.
i was download now, thanks for free
Oh great
I love the layout and I just can’t wait till I get my hands on css
Thanks again
Salam kenal mas, makasih sblmnya utk themenya yang bagus…:-bd
saya pake yg theme Simple Magazine-red, saya mo nanya kalo kategorinya diklik gambarnya tidak muncul, hanya tulisannya aja…mohon bantuannya mas, gmn caranya agar gambarnya bs langsung muncul jg. terima kasihSukses,
Joko Budi
kemarin udah download, jadi penasaran gmn kalau di convert ke blogspot ya
mas, yang merah bagian bawah ko munculnya ngga full kaya di demo ya? muculnya jadi sejajar sama margin body.
belom di coba upload masi dicoba di local hostthanks
Red is my favorit colour. Thankks aloot………
so many choise make me confuse..but I’ll Try it.thanks
utk title post nya dirubah jadi dinamic heading dong mas.. biar lebih maknyuss *cuma saran*
Simple Magazine Red is best template i like it, i will be download for my website and thank for admin
Thank you for nice theme
wow cool…..You have nice collection of themes…I will use it for my web site..
I am confused about the sub menus on this template, if I have to make many categories of any topic that I will discuss for each category, I’ve downloaded the template of this beautiful but I had no use for it on top of that
After I watch the demo, that’s great theme. moreover it runs for WordPress, cause I more pleased used for WordPress. It’s also fast load. But I would like to ask you; can I put the slider on this theme?
thankz a lot,
Well may I use a bit of of your post to my web site. I will certainly give you a attributable link to if i use any details. Let me know if you don’t have any issues with it. Regards
very nice but not weight gan for hosting a minimalist like mine
so many choise make me confuse..but I’ll Try it.thanks
Great share.Thank you for the great and beutiful WordPress Themes
Simple Magazine Red is best template i like it
sulit gak gan theme ini di edit?
apa yang terjadi ?
kok jadi berantakan gitu pas postingan hello world saya apus ya ?
ada yang salah ?mohon pencerahannya
free magazine themes again, i like it, Thanks For Share,,
nice work. I would like to use it for my blog. But one request, can you add facebook widget like the twitter widget please?
nice work. I would like to use it for my blog . But one request, can you add facebook widget like the twitter widget please?
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I like this template, it’s clean and looks professional, I will keep this one for my new site. Thanks