35+ Fresh WordPress Tutorials and Resources of June 2010
30th Jun 2010 | Posted by Eko S. | 12 CommentsToday is the last day in June, at this month we found that there had been plenty useful wordpress information published on various website. This is one of the great things about working with WordPress and developing your own themes, is the community and all of the resources that are available. If you’re not sure how to do something, or looking to see what solutions other theme designers and developers are using, you can find plenty of infomation and tutorials to help.
In this post we collect a wide selection of fresh wordpress resources from the month of June. All of the resources in this post are categorized and hopefully you will find a number of new resources that will be practical for your own work.

1. How to create a built-in contact form for your WordPress theme.
Many WordPress plugins can add a contact form to your blog, but a plugin is not necessary. In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how you can create a built-in contact form for your WordPress theme.
2. How to create a side blog with WordPress 3.0.
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a side blog listing products using the WordPress 3.0 custom post type feature.
3. How To Use, Style And Implement WordPress Shortcodes.
Wordpress shortcode API is a powerful function which was introduced from version 2.5, it’s just a simple set of functions for creating macro codes in post content. If you’ve developed a Vbulletin forum before, you would have been familiar with the shortcode (something called BBCode) but the WordPress users maybe not. In this article, I would like to show you how to create and use shortcodes, in addition, I will show you some creative examples of using shortcode in WordPress blog.
4. Show Number Of Retweets In WordPress Without A Plugin.
Social proof is a powerful thing. Showing how many people are talking about your article on Twitter can encourage more people to talk about it, that’s a fact. Humans are silly and trusting this way.
The way most people go about it is by installing some sort of a widget or plugin. Now you say, “But Matt, why wouldn’t I want to use a plugin!? Plugins are awesome!”
5. Create A Professional Portfolio Using WordPress 3.0 Custom Post Types.
In this tutorial I’ll show you how to make use of the new custom post functionality to create a portfolio for your WordPress site.
6. Create a Powerful jQuery-Powered Archives Page in WordPress.
Here you’ll learn how to add an archives page to WordPress that not only shows a monthly archive, but also your categories, every post you’ve written, your most popular posts, and even a search box, using jQuery to keep everything organized and easy to navigate.
7. How to Style Individual WordPress Posts in Seconds.
With art directed posts being all the rage now, everybody wants to style everything. There are plugins and custom fields and all sorts of ways to do this, but WordPress already has two not-so-popular functions that allow you to style specific posts or pages.
8. How to Create a Redirect Page Template in WordPress.
In this tutorial we will show you how you can create a redirect page template in WordPress using the custom page template snippet.
9. How To Code The Mockup Search Box Design from PSD to WordPress Theme.
A couple of weeks back we went through the process of creating a search box design concept in Photoshop. The tutorial covered the process of designing our search box in photshop to an inspiratian for creating more color schemes. Now, let’s take the design to apply a complete mockup in wordpress theme.
About WordPress 3.0

10. WordPress 3.0 “Thelonious”
Arm your vuvuzelas: WordPress 3.0, the thirteenth major release of WordPress and the culmination of half a year of work by 218 contributors, is now available for download (or upgrade within your dashboard). Major new features in this release include a sexy new default theme called Twenty Ten.
11. WordPress 3.0 Upgrade: What to Expect
With virtually any WordPress release (or the release of any open-source software, for that matter), there are bound to be bugs. And in virtually every case, easy fixes have already been found. Of course, there are also a number of things you can do prior to upgrading to prevent problems. Read on for some tips, and some of the common bugs you might run into.
12. Highlights of WordPress 3.0!.
Wordpress 3.0 was released to the public June 17th with a mountain of changes to it’s previous version. I have compiled my personal favorites below. For those of you not fully aware of the recent changes to WordPress, check out my favorites below:
13. 8 New Exciting WordPress 3.0 Features.
This WordPress 3.0 release is packed with tons of exciting features, like custom post type, better menu management, editor style and many more. It also comes with a new default theme – TwentyTen, that is compatible with most of the new features. Below I will highlight some of the keys features and how to implement them.
14. The Essential Guide to WordPress 3.0 Custom Taxonomies.
In general, taxonomies are used to arrange, classify and group things. By default, Taxonomies in WordPress are tags and categories that WordPress is using for the posts. Apart from these two, WordPress makes it possible for theme developers to create their own taxonomies which are created within the functions.php theme file. This is what we are going to cover today. We will learn how to work with Custom WordPress taxonomies.
15. WordPress: From Kubrick to Twenty Ten.
Kubrick, the default theme for WordPress since 2005, got many Web and open-source enthusiasts through some pretty tough times. Developers have modified it, bloggers have learned HTML and CSS on it, and designers have made it their go-to template for designing blogs of all sizes for clients.
Enter “Twenty Ten” the new default theme for WordPress 3.0, which is scheduled for an imminent release. Not only does it address general changes in Web standards and style guides, it takes into account the clamoring of designers who love WordPress but have had a hard time applying new principles to an older theme.
16. WordPress 3.0 for Web Designers.
what’s new in the upcoming 3.0 release of WordPress and quizzes a number of web designers on their thoughts on the new features.
17. WordPress 3.0 Released: The Top 7 New Features.
WordPress 3.0 incorporates quite a few new features, including custom post types, a URL shortener, and a new theme. You’ll find plenty of lists like this across the web, not least of which being the official changelog at the WordPress codex. The problem is that most of these lists don’t explain how to use the new features, and many are not self-explanatory or enabled by default. This is my attempt to remedy that. Here’s a list of the top seven most compelling features that could change the way you blog.
18. WordPress 3.0 Features Every Theme Developer Should Know.
This release will mark a new milestone in WordPress history, with several exciting new features including: multiple sites, custom menus, custom post types and a new default theme. This article highlights important enhancements in WordPress 3.0 and provide links to some really useful resources.
Free Themes and Plugins

19. Free WordPress Theme : A Simple Magazine.
A Simple Magazine, is a free WordPress theme with magazine style. The theme packed with 5 color schemes, 2 unique page layout, 2 custom widget, and more customization option in theme option page, make your website more unique.
20. 60+ Excellent Premium-Like Free WordPress Themes.
There are some amazing and stunning Free WordPress Themes out there which are nicely designed. In this collection, you’ll find 60+ Excellent Premium-Like Free WordPress Themes that you can use for your website needs.
21. 100 Wildly Free WordPress Themes.
In this collection, we’ve rounded up 100 of the best free WordPress themes designed to make your content easy to get to and easy to read. We’ve included themes that use a wide variety of color palettes from dark to light and from colorful to muted. Whether you want some texture, bokeh, gradients, 3D elements or hand-stitching, it’s all here. Portfolio layout? Check. Magazine layout? Double-check. Enjoy!
22. 25+ Attractive Examples of Free WordPress Themes.
Another roundup of free wordpress themes with minimal design
23. 20 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Every Website.
I’ve reviewed several plugins before, but since I started using WordPress as the CMS for almost every site I do now, I’ve amassed some great and very essential plugins.
24. 45+ WordPress Plugins To Enhance Your Comments.
There are many WordPress plugins that can help you to boost your comment section and you can find many other articles talk about this topic by Google search, but in this article, I want to introduce to you the best and newest plugin that I always love
25. Top 15+ WordPress Plugins.
There are currently over 9,000 plugins available for WordPress but the question is which ones are the best ones to use. Every one has their own list of what to use and how to use them. Below is a list of plugins that I have found to be the most useful:
26. A Complete To-Do List & Plugins for WordPress Site Maintenance.
When it comes to WordPress site maintenance, it can be as easy as doing your housekeeping tasks through the WordPress Admin, to the extent of technical tweaks at the back of your WordPress site. It can also be tedious for less tech-savvy blog owners to complete the technical tweaks for your WordPress site. Hence, today I would like to share with you a to-do list of maintenance checks, tips, as well as plugins that can help enhance your maintenance tasks.
- Custom Theme: Refers to a theme designed for a client or personal project.
- Public Theme: Refers to a theme designed for distribution as a commercial product or free download.

27. On WordPress Podcast.
I got to be on the WordPress Podcast with Joost de Valk yesterday. It’s already out and you go to the blog post (with player and show notes), or snag it from iTunes.
We had fun talking about Digging into WordPress, WordPress 3.0, CSS-Tricks, and more. My voice is a little booming and heavy on bass (my bad) but I just turned the bass way down to listen to this track and it sounds fine.
28. WordPress Theme Development: Custom versus Commercial.
In this article, I will break down these two avenues of WordPress theme development and discuss how you, the designer/developer, might approach each situation differently.
For the sake of easy labeling, I’ll refer to each as follows:
29. The 3 cardinal rules to selling WordPress Themes.
Selling WordPress themes has become an artform for the few that have mastered it, despite this, we are seeing more and more people making a full-time living from their theme profits. Thus far, it seems to be an exclusive club with few reaping the major rewards. In this article I hope to help you understand the 3 cardinal rules to selling WordPress themes.
30. Can Selling WordPress Themes Online Become A Full Time Job?.
The original idea behind nenuno was to offer WordPress conversions from HTML or PSD templates, but we decided to go down the blogging route as time was limited due to other work commitments.
Here are a few of my thoughts and considerations regarding the selling of web resources in general.
31. The Most Important Features for Your Premium WordPress Theme.
I recently did a survey both here and on the Third Tribe forums in an attempt to figure out just what it is people want from a premium WordPress theme. We all keep creating but nobody ever really asks the question.

32. Useful WordPress Template Tags for Theme Development.
Template tags can be used in your wordpress theme to display information dynamically or retrieving information about your wordpress blog. In this post we will show you some easy and useful wordpress template tag that you can use in your theme.
33. Best Practices To Optimize Your WordPress Site.
34. WordPress Quick Tip: Display Posts With The Most Comments.
In this post we’re going to look at how you can easily display the posts on your site that have received the most comments. This can then be used as a section on your site where you can display your “Popular Posts”.
35. WordPress Quick Tip: Remove The Dashboard Update Message.
A particularly useful function of WordPress is that it informs you when a new update is available to download. This is displayed at the top of your WordPress admin panel and provides a link to the update page where you can automatically install the new available version. However, there are occasions where you might not want this message to displayed
36. Quick Tip : Make A Post Automatic Excerpt With Image Thumbnail on WordPress 2.9+.
Excerpt is a wordpress feature which will facilitate you to display a summary of the article on index pages automatically without requiring you to add a function readmore (more tag). However, this feature has a weakness, namely a picture in your article will not appear on index pages automatically.
Lucky, start from WordPress 2.9, theme authors can easily enable Post Thumbnail.

37. The Ultimate WordPress Shopping/Ecommerce Toolbox.
This fresh article brings all of the WP ecommerce solutions up to date with some new and powerful plugins (some older as well) and a collection of fully ecommerce ready themes (which were not even thought of when our original post was published).
38. The Ultimate Guide for An Online Portfolio Using WordPress.
Are you a designer, developer, an artist or even a photographer? If yes, then in these modern times, you have to start thinking about building an online portfolio. Doesn’t matter whether you’re working for a company or as a freelancer, you will need an online portfolio to manage and archive your work and also to showcase them to your clients.
In this article we will discuss the issues concerning online portfolios and how a blogging platform such WordPress is able to create a fantastic online portfolio for you!
39. 100 Beautiful WordPress Headers.
Decent and arrestingly visual Blog headers are not merely a way to show off how talented a designer is, of course they do showcase their talents. For me personally if someone has taken the time to design something truly unique then it compels me to read more.
Please see the collection below either click on the image or the link underneath to visit.
40. 10 Resources To Help You Create A Killer WordPress Options Page.
A theme options page is a necessity in your premium WordPress theme. Even free ones are popping up with them. It can be a big step to take, especially for someone with more of a design background than a development one but the benefits are extraordinary.
So without further ado, here are 10 resources to help you create a wordpress options page
41. 16 Beautiful and Inspiring sites using WordPress.
Take a peek at some truly beautiful blogs /sites using WordPress, stuck for inspiration?
Look no further below is a brief selection of truly pretty sites using WordPress. We have scoured the interweb like a rabid dog and came up with these beauties. Enjoy.
42. Showcase: Typography in WordPress Blog Design & Resources.
Typeface is the most important element used in a blog or website. When people come to your blog they don’t care much about background image, sound, or effect you use. First, they wanna see your title, then about what you wanna share, and then your content. So you should use the exact typeface in order to make people confort and stay in your blog.
I hope you enjoyed this post! Please share your other favorite wordpress tutorials and resources with us by leaving a comment below :).
4 Comments to “35+ Fresh WordPress Tutorials and Resources of June 2010”
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Nice round up! Thank you so much! It’s what I am looking for to get started with WordPress.
Very powerful round-up. Thanks dude!
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